• When you feel connected to the label lesbian.
•When you experiece an attraction to someone that is lesbian in nature.
Cisgender lesbian man:
•A cis man who experience a connection to the label lesbian.
• Someone who is mainly a cis man but sometimes a woman and experience a queer attraction for women.
• A lesbiangender cis man.
•The life of a cis man who was shaped by being perceived and treated as a lesbian.
•An egg who feel connected to the term lesbian but didn't yet realize their are trans and still consider themselves as a cis man.
•A demi-cisgender man who is also a woman.
•A cis boy socially percived as lesbian and who feel hightly connected to the label due to this reason.
• A transfeminine cis man who experience a queer attraction to women.
•A cisfluid man who experience an attraction in a lesbian way.
•Cis non binary men or a para-cisgender men experiencing an attraction that is lesbian (regardless the gender they are attracted to).
ETC !Alt terms: cisboian, lesboycis, cis lesboy..Little reminder: cis men can be AFAB, AIAB, UAB ! ''Cis man" is not exclusive to AMAB individuals ! A cisgender man attracted exclusively to men isn't necessarily gay, he can be lesbian if he experiece an attraction that is lesbian/or feel connected to the term lesbian.
